2024 Scuba VBS Volunteers

June 17-20, 2024 9am to 12pm | Please fill out this form and click submit.
Serving Opportunity Descriptions

Crew Leader:
Must be 14 years old or older.
Lead a small group (4-6) of K-5th Kids.
Arrive early each day to VBS and greet kids as they arrive.
Stay with your group, keep them together and on task, travel to each area with them, and lead the group in discussions (directed by station leaders).

Crew Helper:
Must be going into 6th grade or older.
Arrive early each day to VBS and greet kids as they arrive.
Stay with your group, keep them together and on task, travel to each area with them, and lead the group in discussions (as directed by Crew Leader and Station Leaders).
Be directed by the Crew Leader you are assigned to and help them with tasks.
Do have fun, smile, and laugh!
Don’t be too goofy, distract kids from learning, or say rude things to kids.

Preschool Crew:
Must be 11 years old or older, responsibilities will be based on age.
Arrive early to VBS and greet preschool kids as they arrive.
Be directed and help the Preschool Director with preparation and tasks.
Bring children to the bathroom and wait outside the door when needed.
Help one on one with children who are in need of extra help.

Station Leader Assistant:
Must be 12 years old or older, responsibilities will be based on age.
Work with your assigned station leader to prepare your station for kids each day.
Pass out items for projects, help tell the story, prep or pass out snacks, etc.
Let your leader know if you need to leave your station.

Nursery Crew:
Must be going into 6th grade or older.
Arrive by 8:20 to VBS and greet volunteer children who will be dropped off early.
Be directed and help the Nursery Leader with preparation and tasks.
Do crafts and activities with kids, tell the Bible stories, and sing with all the kids.
Travel with older Nursery kids to opening or closing time, or stay behind with babies as needed and directed by nursery leader.
Serve snack, clean up toys, and sanitize room as needed.

Song Helper:
Can combine this job with Crew Leader or Junior Crew Leader.
Arrive on time for VBS.
Get access to VBS Songs/Videos ahead of time.
Practice the motions and words to the songs prior to the week of VBS.
Be able to do the motions to the songs on stage with your back to the screen.

Prayer Team:
Receive emails with updates and prayer requests.
Come as you are able and pray at Parkside before, during and after VBS.
Pray as you serve in another area.

Decor Team:
Help decorate the church the week before VBS.
Be able to closely follow instructions from decor leader.
Be willing to help make or brainstorm decor ideas.
How can you help?

Please select all that apply.
Volunteer T-Shirts (sign up before May 30 to get a shirt)

Please select one option.
Childcare Needed

I have children under 4 that will need childcare while I help at VBS (list child's name and age)
Please select all that apply.
Volunteers must undergo a background check


June 17-20, 2024 9am to 12pm
Please fill out this form and click submit.